Pliable Perception – Benefits and Practical Applications

Pliable Perception – Benefits and Practical Applications

This is the final and concluding post in the pliable perception series, here are links to all of the other posts:

Pliable Perception

Pliable Perception – Uprooting Limiting Beliefs

Pliable Perception – Making Effective Decisions Part 1

Pliable Perception – Making Effective Decisions Part 2

Pliable Perception – Overcoming Challenges Part 1

Pliable Perception – Overcoming Challenges Part 2

Pliable Perception – Overcoming Challenges Part 3

This has been a long series! 😊

Now comes time to draw a conclusion, or you could say a summation for why taking charge of your perception and learning about how its flexible and fluid nature, once you are aware of it, can help you to live a fulfilling and purposeful life…

Well, I think I have just done it just there!

Everything Relates to Everything

Your perception is fundamentally a combination of all of you past experiences and insights swirled up with all of your sensory input from the present moment which then forms, in your mind, a view of the world.

We often to do not stop to consider how this process works so we can end up wondering why we are discontented with the world we are seeing.

This tool is all about understanding that process and taking charge where we can.

Everything we do, think, and feel, influences our perception, from the language we choose to use when we talk, through to how much sleep we choose to get at night.

The more we realise how the choices we make can influence our perception, and as such then influence our ability to live a fulfilling and purposeful life… the more we can accept our responsibility to make the right choices for us to maximise our potential.

This means making choices that promote our self-worth and kindle a belief in our own abilities.

Afterall, these are both key factors that are part of our perception.

Do we see a world we are able to take action and effect change because we believe we can, or do we see a world where we are a victim and life is done to us?

Fundamentally, this is our own choice.

I will leave you with this:

“The only limit is the once we choose to perceive”

– Ramsey Bond

Enjoy, for now.

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