Pliable Perception
This is the first post in the Pliable Perception series. Pliable perception is the eighth tool in the introspection tool kit.
The first tool, your OWL, is all about understanding how you project yourself into the world and how you learn. The next six tools sit at the core of the introspection toolkit and are all designed to help you understand your inner world.
Here a links to all of the tools:
- Your OWL
- I and Me
- Rewriting the Script
- Emotional Checkpoint
- Breaking the Triangle
- Creating Congruence
- Time Check
The first seven tools are design to expand your awareness of your inner world so that in this eighth tool, you can take the opportunity to apply all that knowledge of yourself you have developed, and use it to take ownership of the way you see the world.
Ultimately, that is what your perception is… the window frame you view life through.
A frame which you are in complete control of… so if you don’t like the view, you can change it.
How does it work?
Pliable perception is a tool of awareness. You first need to know that your perception is a choice and that you can shape it. Once you become conscious of it, you can take owner ship of it.
In life, we cannot control anyone else’s thoughts or actions; what we can do though, is control our mental and physical response.
This is the essence of owning your perception and making it pliable… Think of this statement as a principle, a principle that will help you to build the frame which you view the world through.
If you accept as a fact, that you can control, and thus choose, your response to other people’s behaviours. This then becomes a choice that you can actually make.
It seems a bit obvious, but you first need to accept that a choice is available to you before you can make it.
That is basically what this tool is all about… redefining your frame for life so that is becomes pliable… allowing you to shape and refine your view to make the best choices in every situation.
The Insights to Come…
Every time you have a new experience your frame of reference is altered. This applies to both physical and psychological experiences. Reading is great to spark curiosity and generate interest in doing new things, but experiencing something first hand is always the best.
The challenge for a lot of people is actually taking action to have the experience… over coming challenges and making decisions.
This is where the insights in this tool come in…
- Uprooting Limiting Beliefs
- Making Effective Decisions – Part 1
- Give less shits
- The obliged check
- Recentring on I
- Making Effective Decisions – Part 2
- Redefining comfort
- Accept & Prioritise
- Over Coming Challenges – Part 1
- Get curious
- Remember to wake up
- Accept what you cannot control
- Over Coming Challenges – Part 2
- Remember your foreman
- Emotional awareness
- Over Coming Challenges – Part 3
- Change your surroundings
- Be the change
Through this collection of insights, we will look back at how some of the other tools in the introspection toolkit can be applied to your life to increase traction for change; we will also explore some new and surprisingly simple concepts that expand your perspective.
This is all about refreshing your arsenal of tools and giving you more options to set a frame of reference that empowers you to live as the best version of you.

Enjoy, for now.