The Trap of Duality
Humans have in built mechanisms which oversimplify the input received from the world around us to try and make it processable for our cognition.
This simplification process is the source of what we call contradiction in philosophical understanding.
To be clear, I am not suggesting that humans don’t contradict themselves, or that all philosophy is contradiction free, just that if we take things at “perceived face value” we can often label something as contradictory when in fact it is not.
Humans like to think of things in binary terms or on a scale where there are opposites – more of one thing means less of another. A good example of this are the concepts of love and hate, or good and bad. These dualities represent a massive over simplification and when applied as labels, are often not yielded in a context specific way.
Multi Dimension
When we are young, we require this simplification process to lay the foundations of our understanding of the world. This simplification process though, it something that can hold us back if we are not conscious of it.
You see, knowledge is not a process of accumulation, it is an evolution of understanding.
As we learn new things we must be willing to up root and redefine the old within the context of the new – this is a never-ending process of evolution and refinement.
I put it to you that we have exist in a multidimensional context and that things such as love, hate, anger, kindness, gratitude, and empathy all exist individually within their own right on different plains (dimensions) energetically within the human psyche.
None of these elements directly conflict with one and other, they can all mutually co-exist.
Yes, there is an overlap between the fields of energy which significant amount of one may excerpt some influence over the other, but the extent to which this is true is determined by our perception of their independence.
This for me, is the only working explanation of how unconditional love can manifest.
It is unconditional simply because there are no other conditions that can directly influence its plain of vibration.
Take Away
Next time you feel like you have been forced in to an emotional state because something has happened which has pushed you there; stop and ask yourself if that is really the case, or have you just joined together two independent energies that don’t actually relate to each other.
Are you unaware of the oversimplification?
Are you aware of the oversimplification, but too afraid of honestly acknowledging it because that will mean you need to accept responsibility for the way that you feel?
Questions to ponder and bring new perspectives.

Enjoy, for now.