Imagine reality as being the moon, except this moon is so bright (like the Sun) that we cannot directly look at it.
The mind then is like a like a lake.
If we want to view the moon, we then have two options:
- Create the right conditions for the surface of the lake to become like glass so we can then observe the reflection of the moon on its surface.
- Part the waters of the lake to reveal the mirror like bed which will reflect the moon in full detail.
The Moon on the Surface
The water of the lake represents our mind and ability to perceive.
Our emotions, thoughts and feeling are the waves in the waters of the lake; the wind from the environment around us stirs them up.
Practicing mindfulness and learning philosophy is a way to calm the lake and make it less prone to influence from the wind.
The glassy surface of the lake gives us an excellent view of the moon, but because the surface is water, the water will influence the way the light is reflected and is perceived.
The Moon on the Bed
Revealing the bed of the lake requires influencing the waters to part and make way.
The challenge with this is that the bed of the lake is actually made of a fine sand like material and if the waters are stirred, they will cloud up as the sediment is disturbed.
This clouding process is synonymous to learning about human psychology and analysing our own internal world. Often this process creates lots of clouding before the waters again clear to give a clearer view of reality.
This process can take lots of time and effort to traverse.
The results are worth it though as the view of the moon reflected by the bed of the lake is close to near perfect. The mirror like quality of the sand which is vibrating at the same resonance as the moon gives us a hyper realistic view of true reality.
To get to this though, we first need to carve our way though our own inner turbulence and train the waters so they know how to part.
A Balanced Approach
Viewing the moon from the reflection of the surface is more easily achievable for most people and enables new insights and perceptions to form. This skill should first be prioritised and mastered so the state can be returned to as often as required while attempting to traverse the road to parting the waters.
Looking at the Moon
Here are a couple of insights to consider:
- The observer is not the observed
- The description is not the described
Viewing the moon from the surface requires mindful present awareness. This is a state where there is no observer and observed, and as such, there is no description of the described. There is only the acts of observation and experience.
The skill of honing our mindset obtained by viewing the moon on the surface is essential preparation for viewing the moon on the bed.
I have written this post in abstract philosophical terms in an attempt to cover some pretty expansive topics in a concise way.
While abstract, I hope my words resonate with you.
What is the key take away?
Done is better than perfect.
Don’t miss the opportunity to view the moon on the surface of the lake because you are in pursuit of the view from the bed of the lake. One leads to the other, and the process of growth strengthens your skill and resolve to realise true clarity in your connection to the vitality of the universe.

Enjoy, for now.