How to Do You at Work – Part 2
Following on from my previous post about how to do you at work, I thought I would dig a little deeper in to subject and share some aspects of the approach I take to this.
You may notice how this approach is universal and can be applied to all aspects of life.
Spend time at the end of the day (this could be just 5 minutes after you turn your laptop off) considering what went well, and what could have been improved. Do this while accepting full responsibility for all of the choices that you have made.
- Could you have been more prepared?
- Do you feel some trapped energy, and/or frustration? Where is this coming from and what could you have done differently?
- Do you think you have expressed your thoughts and feelings fully?
- Have you communicated effectively? (This is measured by other people’s understanding of the information you have shared).
- Have your interactions been skilful and eloquent?
- Have you done yourself justice by being the best version of you that you know how to be right now?
Spending time reflecting affords us the opportunity to be honest with ourselves. We need to be able to do this first before we can be honest with anyone else!
Self-honesty through reflection will enable you to learn more about who you are so you can actually solidify in your own mind what “doing you really” means. Once you know, you can then get on with the actual doing part!
Be honest with yourself about what you do and do not know, be honest with others too. If you are uncertain or uncomfortable, say that. Listen to advice from others, choosing what to take on board and what to discard.
You decide what is important to you.
Be honest with someone when you appreciate their help.
Be honest with someone when you do not appreciate their behaviour.
Be honest with yourself when you are struggling.
Create your own island of honesty.
Be Direct
Get to the point and speak the truth to the best of your knowledge. Be bold with what you are saying, but reserve the right to change your perspective when you learn new information. Help others to speak freely and to cut to the first principles driving the conversation and decision making.
The straight punch always beats the round.
If you have an idea for how things could be improved; say it. Tact and careful wording will come over time… the first and most important thing is learning to speak your mind.
You can then learn to say things in the most effective way. Trust in the process and don’t take things too seriously.
You need to fail to learn how to succeed!
The Truth Shall Set You Free
Use an honest truth-seeking approach to create situations where everyone has the opportunity to learn and benefit.
Go on the journey together with people, and show them how to do it. Lead by example.
If we all seek to win, we all will lose.
If we all seek the truth, we all will win.
Have Fun
Find out what you enjoy and do more of it.
The Take Away
These are just some of the tactics, strategies, and approaches I use to help me, do me. You could call it my style or my way.
We all have our own style or way, and what is right for me may not be right for you. That is up to you to decide.
I can however say that reflection and honesty are universal keys that will help you, to find you. Once you know who you is, you can choose to do you, more of the time.

Enjoy, for now.