Momentary Time
What is time?
Time is just a man-made description for the passing of moments.
What was once the present moment is referred to the past, what will be the present moment is referred to as the future.
Humans know that moments come and go. As one leaves the next immediately arrives. It is this passage of moments that we call time.
How long will something take do to? Well, how many moments do you need to get it done?
We humans have chosen to psychologically define buckets to distribute our moments in to. We call them seconds, minutes, and hours.
But how may moments can you fit in to a bucket?
Well, that all depends on the moments… some last longer than others. You see, moments all depend upon of our state of consciousness and as such our connection with the universe.
The Japanese concepts of Satori and Flow have become much more popular in the western world.
When we are operating in one of these states we are solely engaged with the present moment. This deep connection with the universe means that time can perceptually slow down as the present moment expands.
Yes, new moments do occur, but because of our harmonic resonance with the universe while we are in the state of pure engagement, the moments arise as an extension to each other.
We have all heard the expression: time flies when you are having fun…
The state of flow or Satori is something that people strive for in the pursuit of excellence. I use the word strive because it is much easier said than done.
Well, having fun is pretty easy. We know how to do this when we are born. The striving comes in where the action we are performing may result in either positive or negative outcomes.
Fun is just simply fun, but if we are competing, performing or working; there is a chance that if we do not achieve the desired outcome, it will be perceived as a failure.
This is a conditioned perspective that is imparted on us as a socially accepted norm as we grow up. The behaviours and mental traits exhibited as a result of this conditioning can be classified as learned. As such, they can also be unlearned.
But what does this behaviour look like?
What Time is It?
There are two key concepts of time. Clock time and psychological time.
We all know the concept of clock time. Hours and minutes of the day that we use to schedule meetings and appointments. Clock time is essential for us to effectively plan and structure our lives. Being precise and universal; it assists humans to co-ordinate their moments and work together.
Psychological time is personal. It is the generalisation of the past and future. The human mind has a behavioural tendency to agonise over specific events in the past, and to dream about the future.
We spend a lot of our time either contemplating what has happed (beating ourselves up or patting ourselves on the back) or, thinking about future possibilities (imagining how good it will be when we get there or worrying with a sense of impending doom).
The problem with psychological time is that it is not real.
The past is the past, the future is yet to happen, all that truly exists is the present moment.
Our vitality connected to the universe.
Yes, we do need to learn from our past mistakes and successes, and yes, we do need to have long term plans for what we want to do. But being consciously absorbed by them removes our focus from the only moment that truly exists. Now.
Now is the only moment when we can take action to create the future we want to manifest. If you are thinking about the past or the future and not focusing on the present moment; you are not dedicating yourself 100% to the most important thing which will determine your future.
The action that you take.
In the present moment.

Enjoy, for now
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