Being free to think is truly a blessing. Who is blessing me, I do not know. Maybe it is me?
Come join me and ponder…
Category: Curiosity
Broadening Horizons
Growth can be uncomfortable for the old must die for the new to be born. Achieving a new perspective on things can be uncomfortable, but it is worth it…
Shooting Down the Middle
People often struggle to identify their weaknesses and growth areas. This simple insight will expand your perception to help you do just that.
Who Creates Life?
Where does life come from, and where is it going to?
Maybe I just have baby brain!
A Forest of Sunlight
A little reflection I had a while ago… one that means I now see the world with a bit more sparkle.
The Moth and the Flame
Every reward has its risk, and this is a risk that I am always going to take.
Who Created God?
One of the eternal questions that we ponder… Does god exist… well, you might be pleasantly surprised at my take on it.
Your OWL – Optimum Way of Living
Understanding our personality and behaviour enables us to track the effect of the changes we make in our lives.
Think of it like capturing before and after photos.
Without knowing who you are, how could you ever be able to work out what changes are having the right positive effect that you are looking for?
Your OWL – Optimum Way of Learning
Learning how we each individually learn is the precursor to learning how to live our own authentic lives.
The Mountain Pathway – Growth Pathway
Checking we are traveling in the right direction, can only be done by knowing where we have come from and where are are going to.
Think of this as a map of personal growth.
A Meditation on Being Human
It is a wonderful trick of the universe that everything which is the same can be perceived as so different.
It all depends how you choose to observe.
How to Develop Compassion
Developing compassion is like peeling a never ending onion.
If you managed to get to the centre, all that would be left is the universe.
In this post, we look at some of the steps you could take on your journey to a compassionate mindset.
Flower Arranging for Humans
A little reflection on universal principles.
Is it you that arranges the flowers, or the flowers that arrgane you?
Choosing to Speak Sincerely
Speaking sincerely is a behavioural choice that we can all make.
It is a core principle of The Mountain Pathway.
If chosen by you, it will help you thrive, not just survive.
Taking Action for Change
Change only happens when we take action. Action simultaneously bring both the risk of failure and opportunity to grow.
Are you ready to embrace the principle of Be the Change?
What Makes You, You?
The Zen mindset is one of simplicity. One of the ultimate Zen questions is… who are you?
When is the last time you asked?
Vitality – Physical Health
Your fitness and health are the tools you need to apply yourself to life fully. Use this post to evaluate your choices.
The Default Dream of Happiness
Have you every wondered where the vision of happiness you dream of comes from?
Short Story – The Old Man in the Castle
This is a short story that I keep very close to my heart.
I hope it brings some positive energy to your day.
7 Tips to Cultivate Curiosity
7 little tips to awaken your inner child.
Getting Ready for Action
A reflection on the skills that promote taking effective action.