There are two sides to every coin, and both are needed to make the whole.
Category: Acceptance
The Pragmatic Optimist
You don’t need everything to go right, all you need is you.
Parenthood and the Higher self
Even when we are surrounded by the best teachers, we need to be ready to learn if we want to understand their teachings.
Broadening Horizons
Growth can be uncomfortable for the old must die for the new to be born. Achieving a new perspective on things can be uncomfortable, but it is worth it…
The Indian Head Waggle
It is only once we become aware of the choices that we are making, that we can choose to make different ones.
Pliable Perception – Making Effective Decisions Part 2
Here is part 2 of the tactical tools you can use to help you shift perception in the moment and take decisive action.
Creating Congruence – Accepting Perfection
What would you do if you were already perfect?
A Game of Make your own Belief
There is always a choice – you just need to find it.
An Emotional Checkpoint
Emotions are the fuel that drive all human interactions… but who is driving your emotions?
Rewriting the Script – Benefits and Practical Applications
Your scripts sit at the centre of your habits, behaviours and personality. Learning about them and taking ownership of them is the key to embodying the authentic version of you.
Shaping Perception: Dualism
You must have your cake and it eat!
The cake of life contains a slice of every flavour imaginable. Accepting the whole lets you appreciate a slice for what it is… or is not.
Solitude and Self-Honesty
When is the last time you spent sometime alone with the man in the mirror?
How to Create Long Lasting Change
When things are changing, it is a good time to change. Keeping things changing is an art form and as artists, we all need to brush up on our skills from time to time…
Life: Consistently Inconsistent
Learning how to breakdown the walls in our mind is the way that we become free. Even better, why not stop the person that is building them…
The Mountain Pathway – Growth Pathway
Checking we are traveling in the right direction, can only be done by knowing where we have come from and where are are going to.
Think of this as a map of personal growth.
A Meditation on Being Human
It is a wonderful trick of the universe that everything which is the same can be perceived as so different.
It all depends how you choose to observe.
The Blue Sky Behind the Clouds
Time is the great healer. Why?
Natural processes can unfold and when we choose to look back, from far away we can see the broader context.
What we thought was a constant, turned out to just be a process…
Compassion – Challenges Leading to Growth
Developing a compassionate mindset is not easy, but it is that challenges that we will face that make the journey worthwhile.
Life is Like a Game of…
The more we want something, the harder is can be to achieve. It depends how much we choose to try…
How to Develop Compassion
Developing compassion is like peeling a never ending onion.
If you managed to get to the centre, all that would be left is the universe.
In this post, we look at some of the steps you could take on your journey to a compassionate mindset.
Why You Can Always Expect Your Best
We all like to do “our best”. Here is how I do mine.
Choosing to Speak Sincerely
Speaking sincerely is a behavioural choice that we can all make.
It is a core principle of The Mountain Pathway.
If chosen by you, it will help you thrive, not just survive.
The Biggest Lie about Strength
Strength is something that we are all conditioned to strive for.
How do you define what it is to be strong?
Vitality – Physical Health
Your fitness and health are the tools you need to apply yourself to life fully. Use this post to evaluate your choices.
Vitality – Psychological Health
The health of our psyche is just as important as the health of our bodies. A sustainable approach to life looks after both
Max Payne – Pain and Pleasure
Pain, pleasure and emotions… They are the fuel that can drive us to great success and the fire that can consume our whole world.
An Island of Honesty
A little reflection based on a compliment I was once given.
A Cynical Comfort Blanket
Shining the the spotlight on cynicism to help you see the truth.
Getting Ready for Action
A reflection on the skills that promote taking effective action.
The Common Denominator
The most useful skill to have.
A Steppingstone to Happiness
The remedy to a common misunderstanding that most humans have about happiness.